“Have you ever felt like you’re at war with your own body? Have you ever questioned whether you,
or your fleshy prison is in charge?
Body Automacy amasses works that capture when bodies run rampant, mutate, or simply slip into auto-pilot.”

— Amy Elizabeth, curator

  • Amy Elizabeth


  • Aisling Isolde


  • Daniel Muscat


  • James Baker


  • Claire Tennant


  • Paloma Negra Theatre


Body Automacy Catalogue

A Note from the Curator

A Note from the Curator ⋆

I am an independent producer and curator whose practice focuses on platforming Sydney's swathes of emerging underground artists. Body Automacy is brought to you hot off the heels of my curatorial debut, Sub Cult. I am mainly known for running large-scale nightclub events such as Sydney Fetish Ball and Reunion, amongst other social events that cater to Sydney’s thriving underground communities.

Body Automacy is personal to me, as I contend with chronic fatigue, body dysmorphia, and chronic depression daily. In fact, my conceptual development of this exhibition was conceived in the midst of a chronic fatigue flareup. The purpose of this exhibition is to shine a spotlight on collective experiences of alienation from one's own physicality. These experiences can be isolating and depressing. However, finding connections with others who also endure comparable situations can be not only comforting, but empowering.

It is no coincidence that this exhibition is happening during the aftermath of the Roe vs Wade reversal in the USA. Body Automacy is a reminder that the individual’s relationship with their own body cannot be censored, standardised, or legislated. The subject of the body may be universal, but it is simultaneously deeply personal, as this curated lineup of emerging artists attests.

My mission is to platform as many creatives who dwell in the gritty underbelly of Sydney’s diverse subcultural groups as possible. My curatorial practice revolves around the notion that experimentation leads to innovation, and innovation inevitably leads to progress.

- Amy Elizabeth